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Churches in Vicenza

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Cathedral of Santa Maria Annunciata VicenzaCathedral of Santa Maria Annunciata - Piazza Duomo - Vicenza

On the site of a pre-existing Roman settlement here a church was built in the early Christian era dedicated to Saint Euphemia, a Christian martyr whose relics are still preserved in the Cathedral, later enlarged in the 8th century to be dedicated to the Virgin and then heavily remodeled in the 12th century and 13th century; but the project that led the building to take on its present appearance was only started in the fifteenth century on a project by Lorenzo da Bologna, bridge architect between the Tuscan and Italian Renaissance schools, and completed in the following century by Andrea Palladio who also signed the project of the dome of the Cathedral of Santa Maria Annunciata under the aegis of the Serenissima Republic of Venice.
The Cathedral suffered heavily from the Anglo-American bombings during the Second World War which razed its profile to the ground, leaving only the facade intact; the reconstruction was done with historical rigor but all the cycles of frescoes that the church housed were irretrievably lost. The interior of the church offers a vision of the architectural stratification that took place over the centuries: early Christian mosaics and cruciform columns testify to the past transformations to which the site was subject. Among the works kept inside, the Polyptych by Lorenzo Veneziano with the Dormitio Virginis (1366), and the Adoration of the Magi by Francesco Maffei stand out.

Style: Gothic, Renaissance.
Construction: V, VIII, XII, XIII century. Current plant XV-XVI century, rebuilt in the XX.
Hours: Monday to Friday from 10.30 to 12.00 and from 15.30 to 17.30; Saturday from 10.30 to 12.00 or by reservation.
Tickets: free admission.
Telephone: +39.0444.320996
Email: not available.
Website: not available.

Basilica of Santi Felice and Fortunato VicenzaBasilica of Santi Felice and Fortunato - Corso Ss. Felice e Fortunato, 219 - Vicenza

The first building of worship was built in this place following the edict of Constantine (313) which sanctioned definitive Christian freedom of worship and the official adherence to Christianity of the Roman Empire. The area was already affected by burial activity in the previous era; in fact numerous tombs have returned stems and inscriptions, coins and objects of various kinds. A band of red marble inside the current church defines what remains of the ancient paleo-Christian place of worship.

Style: Paleo Romanesque, Romanesque.
Construction: IV-X century.
Hours: Monday to Saturday from 9.00 to 12.00 and from 15.30 to 18.30.
Tickets: free admission.
Telephone: +39.0444.547246
Email: not available.
Website: not available.

Church of San Giorgio in Gogna in VicenzaChurch of San Giorgio in Gogna - Viale Fusinato, 115 - Vicenza

It is assumed that the building originates from a medieval Longobard chapel dating back to the 8th century, which was later transformed to give rise to the current medieval architectural form.
In any case, a document dating back to 983 mentions it. The place of worship later passed to the Benedictine Order who were already established in the Basilica of Saints Felice and Fortunato who undertook to reclaim the area surrounding the building.
From the mid-13th century until 1630, San Giorgio in Gogna was used as a lazaret for the hospitality and "cure" of plague victims; however, the current denomination deviates from its use as a prison in later times.
The church has a single nave plan with a stone facade and an interior with a beamed ceiling and a semicircular apse; on the inner wall of the counter-facade you can admire the altarpiece by Alessandro Maganza (1556-1630) depicting the Apparition of the Virgin to Vincenza Pasini.
The small church was ruined by the bombings of the Second World War; the current appearance is the result of a faithful and precious exegetical reconstruction.

Style: 8th century, Medieval.
Construction: VIII-X century.
Hours: Monday to Saturday from 9.00 to 19.00. Sundays and holidays from 8.00 to 12.00.
Tickets: ingresso libero.
Phone: +39.0444.323931
Email: non disponibile.
Web: Chiesa di San Giorgio in Gogna

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