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Extended information on In Vicenza Today cookiesWe use cookies to analyze site statistics and to display content on social media. We also publish Google Adsense advertising which uses cookies through our site to provide relevant ads to our users. |
What is a cookie A cookie is a short text that the visited website sends to your browser. It allows the storage of information regarding your visit; for example on your mother tongue and other settings. This facilitates your visit (session cookies) or your next visit even after days (persistent cookies). Types of cookies and those used by In Vicenza Today. There are different types of cookies: they're distinguishee in "technical cookies" - for which authorization is not required - and "third-party" cookies. - technical cookies: are those used to provide the service in a better way to those who use it. For example, they are used by the Analytics platforms but are also those that the site uses to improve the browsing experience. Pursuant to Article 122, paragraph 1, of the Privacy Code (in the formulation in force following the entry into force of Legislative Decree 69/2012) technical cookies can be used even without the consent of the interested party. - third-party cookies: these are those used by advertising services outside the site you visit or those used by the site owner to spread the content inside social media. In the first case we use only Google Adsense while for the dissemination of content in social media we use only Facebook. - analytical cookies: are cookies used to create access statistics to the website with the aim of collecting information in aggregate form without the possibility of identifying the individual user. These cookies have only a statistical purpose (and not for profiling or marketing). For example, they detect users by dividing them between recurring users and not, differentiating them by geographical area and language, by age and sex. InVicenzaToday uses only Analytics cookies to better understand its statistics and finally to provide a better navigation service to the final user. Users of www.inVicenzaToday.com can accept cookies or continue browsing without installing cookies. |
To know in detail the use that Google Adsense makes of navigation data of this site you can consult the following page: How Google uses data when you use sites or apps belonging to our partners |
Every user can configure his web browser to not accept cookies. Here we report the Instructions
for the major used browsers: Google Chrome Mozilla Firefox Opera Apple Safari Microsoft Internet Explorer For all other browsers, consult your support resources browser. |
Each user can configure his browser so as not to accept cookies. Here we report the Instructions for Google Chrome: Select the Chrome menu icon Chrome menu. For all other browsers, consult your browser's help resources. |