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Museum of the Risorgimento and the Resistance in Vicenza

The Museum of the Risorgimento and of the Resistance of Vicenza: how to get there, the collection on display, the history, opening hours, contacts, prices and the purchase of tickets and useful information for the visit.

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Museum of the Risorgimento and the Resistance Vicenza Museum of the Risorgimento and the Resistance - Viale X Giugno, 115 - Vicenza

(Foto: Claudio Gioseffi, CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons)

The Museum of the Risorgimento and the Resistance is located in viale X Giugno on Monte Berico inside Villa Guccioli Ambellicopoli.

The Museum of the Risorgimento and the Resistance

In an exhibition rich in evocations and historical artifacts, the history of the Vicenza area is reconstructed in the period of time between the first descent of Napoleon Bonaparte in 1796 and the end of the Second World War with the liberation struggle (1945) and the episodes of the Resistence.

On display is a precious series of documents from the Risorgimento including printed publications, periodicals, portraits, medals and decorations, paintings, prints, newspapers, manuscripts, diaries, announcements and proclamations, decrees, private deeds, coins, civil and military, sidearms and firearms, flags.

The museum itself stands on the hill where in 1848 there was a heroic resistance from the city of Vicenza by the independence troops.

The museum is made up of different collections that belonged to the most influential families in the Vicenza area:

Fantoni collection
Acts, notices, notifications, proclamations, autographs, poems, satires, newspapers, magazines, patriotic hymns dating back to the period of the Venetian government of 1848-1849.

Domenico Cariolato Collection
Letters, manuscripts and relics of the National Risorgimento and Giuseppe Garibaldi.

Antonio Radovich Collection Letters, manuscripts, maps and relics of the National Risorgimento and the Enterprise of the Thousand.

Luigi Cavalli Collection
Letters, manuscripts and relics of the National Risorgimento.

Giovanni Durando collection
Letters, manuscripts, relics, honors and rare publications of the Wars of Independence and the National Risorgimento.

Joseph Bacchus collection
Letters, manuscripts and relics of the National Risorgimento and the Garibaldini Veterans Society.

Antonio Caregaro Negrin collection
Letters and manuscripts from 1848 - '49.

Lelio Bonin-Longare collection
Historical archive of the Bonin-Longare family 1523 – 1944, relics and documents.

Franco family collection
Memorabilia and manuscripts of the Risorgimento, photographs and badges of the Great War.

Beef Family Collection
Uniforms, memorabilia, decorations, photographs and books from the First World War.

Giuseppe Vaccari collection
Letters, manuscripts, relics, uniforms, decorations, photographs and maps of the Libyan War and the First World War.

Guglielmo Pecori Giraldi Collection
Letters, manuscripts, relics, uniforms, decorations, photographs and maps of Italian East Africa and the First World War.

Francesco Meneghello collection
Letters, documents, relics and photographs from the Great War, the Spanish War and the Second World War.

Gianni Pieropan collection
Documents and publications from the Great War and the history of the Vicenza mountains.

Photo Archive of the Great War

Historical Archive of the Vicentina Resistance

Archive of the Vicenza Provincial Action Party Federation

Useful information for the visit

Opening hours: winter: from 1 September to 30 June, from Tuesday to Sunday from 9 to 13 (last admission 12.30) and from 14.15 to 17 (last admission 16.30). Summer: from 1st July to 31st August, from Tuesday to Sunday from 10am to 2pm (last admission 1.30pm).
Phone: +39.0444.222820. Ticket office +39.0444.320854.
E-mail: [email protected]
Web: Museo del Risorgimento e della Resistenza

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